Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Career : Detective
First College : Liberty University
Second College :  Anthem College
Third College : Business Informatics Center
First College Requirements : admission to its J.D program a bachelor's degree from an insitution .
Second College Requirements : you must be able to speak and write english fluently, you must be a high school graduate or have certification of high school equivalency, you must pass our entrance assessment test.
Third College Requirements : high school record .

Career : Lawyer
First College : New York Career Institute
Second College : Westwood college
Third College : City College
First College Requirements : high school record  and other standardized test .
Second College Requirements : providing documentation of prior education , demonstrating proficiency in basic college - level skills , demonstrating english language proficiency .
Third College Requirements :  high school record .

Career : Engineer
First College : Princeton University .
Second College : Harvey Mudd College
Third College : New York University
First College Requirements : GPA and test scores .
Second College Requirements : Computer science course , must be a first year student , permission of instructor .
Third College Requirements :A Bachelor's degree from an accredited U.S or Canadian college or university , including all prerequisite courses . Applicants are required to submit official transcripts for all colleges attended upon acceptance . Applicants are required to take the Dental Admissions Test as part of the application process .

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

IC3 certification exam- computer process .
tranport layer security- a protocol that ensures privacy between applications that are communicating .
strong password- a password that is hard for other people to figure out .
spyware- it obtains information from a user's computer .
sniffer- a program that monitors network traffic .
secure sockets layer- a protocol used for managing the privacy of a message .
repetitive strain injury-repetitive motion injuries.
public key- it approaached that involves the use of asymmetric key .
private key- a unpublished key in a public key cryptographic system.
keylogger- keys stuck on a keyboard converted .
hardware firewall- its built into a router or a device .
hacking- somebody who breaks into computer by gaining all the access that he or she wants .
brute force attacks- a strategy that can theory to be used againsts data by an attacker .
browser hijacking- a malware program that alters your computer's settings .
telecommuting- you work at home while talking with the workplace by tax or phone .
online learning- those who use online ways for learning .
keyless entry system- a system used to remotely permit or deny access to places .
electronic commerce- it consists of buying and selling products or services .
digital cash-a bank issed number that can be used for internet transactions.
critical thinking- when something is being observed or concerned .
business to government (B2)- a derivative of  B2B referred to as a market definition .
business to consumer (B2C)-describes activities of businesses.
business to business (B2B)- it describes commerce transactions between businessess .
wildcard character- a character that can be substitued .
wiki- a website that you can find anything you want easily in a web browser.
trademark- a mark or a brand.
shared bookmark- shared bookmarks from the same website .
related search- related words that are being searched .
public domain- rights that held by the public.
podcatcher- used to download media .
plagiarism- a pieceof work that has been copied from somebody else and is presented as your piece of work .
phrase searching- a search provider.
peer to peer(p2p)- any distributed network company of people .
news feed- it provides users for updated news.
math symbols- a character that is used for mathematical relationships.
link list- a confederation of websites to a web ring.
libel- a fake publication printed for the use to defame a living person .
keywords- a key or a cipher.
indexes- a numerical scale used to compare things.